@UncleIroh Nice plan, I would love to see Kamala try to draft Americans, especially given how most fighting age men hate her but also love Trump and wouldn't believe she won fairly.
And letting the economy crash with a Democrat in charge? Might be a first.

Tell you what, if Kamala wins, I'll believe the elites truly are retarded, as TFM says, because they had their orange messiah right there and left him to warm the bench.

@Based_Accelerationist @UncleIroh I kind of want Harris as president just for the men to say ‘fuck it’. It would also be a steadfast reminder in a post-collapse where everything fell apart as all the women voted for another women


@All_Ogre Absolutely, she is the kind of president that Americans need, not some other Rothschild stooge to sell them the illusion of hope while stabbing them on the back, but someone so bad that men will have no choice but to say "fuck it". It's also fitting that she's a woman.

Sadly I don't see it happening, but one can dream.

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