@UncleIroh Nice plan, I would love to see Kamala try to draft Americans, especially given how most fighting age men hate her but also love Trump and wouldn't believe she won fairly.
And letting the economy crash with a Democrat in charge? Might be a first.

Tell you what, if Kamala wins, I'll believe the elites truly are retarded, as TFM says, because they had their orange messiah right there and left him to warm the bench.

@Based_Accelerationist @UncleIroh I kind of want Harris as president just for the men to say ‘fuck it’. It would also be a steadfast reminder in a post-collapse where everything fell apart as all the women voted for another women

@All_Ogre Absolutely, she is the kind of president that Americans need, not some other Rothschild stooge to sell them the illusion of hope while stabbing them on the back, but someone so bad that men will have no choice but to say "fuck it". It's also fitting that she's a woman.

Sadly I don't see it happening, but one can dream.


Every choice has its own consequences.

The elites seem to want World War, so the timeline where Harris wins will be one where feminism is undone.

Having another election stolen by a coup-inducted female president, and "voted in" by majority females who happily vote for men to die on their behalf and for Israel .. that will do it.

@UncleIroh @All_Ogre
Being honest, I seriously doubt it. I don't think the draft will be enough to do it.
The only thing at all that could make things happen is hyperinflation. The fake monopoly money printer is the bullshit that is holding all this together, it's the basis of the entire insane society.

@Zeb @All_Ogre

Hyperinflation will limit a society's practise of feminism, but it won't do much to harm the ideas itself.

Privileged bitches having the power to send all the boys and men they've been hating for 50 years to die for them? That's when the idea dies.

No amount of gaslighting can polish that turd.


"How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately "elevated" Donald Trump with its "pied piper" strategy
An email released by WikiLeaks shows how the Democratic Party purposefully "elevated" Trump to "leader of the pack"


Running against Trump did not guarantee Hillary Clinton a win so why would it guarantee Harris a win


Also according to snopes Joe Biden called Harris President before he stepped down from running for President even though she was Vice President and not President officially according to the mainstream media


This women in the video you showed if the time stamp of February 2024 is correct also predicted Harris would be President before Joe Biden stepped down from running for President

Seems almost like these people had some knowledge of this in advance


"Now when President Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona"

Words of so Joe Biden when he was supposed to be president and Harris was supposed to be Vice President


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