
Nukes mean life or death situation. All choices must be made based on pragmatism. Lawyer is worthless. His wife is even worse. Prostitute is worthless. The pregnant chick is absolutely worthless.

The only possible choices:
1 Cop: good ally for post-apocalypse
2 Priest: moral/psychological support to avoid freakouts
3 Drifter: for his youth and physical labor
4 Musician: help relieve boredom
5 Doctor: obviously
6 Gay architect: young enough to work and do shit


@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey - I saw the headline in other sources, but didn't bother reading the story.

That is some very interesting homework. Seems this teacher was fired for provoking thought - can't have that. 🙃

Very enlightening.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey
This is a dumb exercise.
They have no means of producing food--only the supplies within after which time they will have to become raiders anyway. They didn't say what kind of a doctor the sterile female is; she could have a Phd in gender studies.
How old are the husband and wife? What kind of architect: Software? Civil? What are the sex of the musician, the architect, and the drifter?

The obvious solution is to not live on long island, which is why I'm not.

@DoubleD @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

All the choices are so bad I would have to agree with @dowitcher let in only the white ppl, no gays.

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