



Holy crap, they are absolutely desperate.

"If it doesn't make sense, it's the CIA" - Scott Adams.

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan

CIA. Mossad would love Trump back in power.

Those photos of him raising his defiant fist with blood on his face are next level.

@UncleIroh @37712 @ButtWorldsMan Trump gets shot 2 weeks after debate and the entire country realizing Biden has dementia and says Biden needs to go????

Definitely internal.

@UncleIroh The eternal “we’ll see” has come full circle


Just saw someone post that the person who did it has died.

@UncleIroh @Mr_Mister @37712 It's really easy to take credit when you've made 30 different predictions to cover all bases.

@ButtWorldsMan @Mr_Mister @37712

Somewhere, someone must have made out like a bandit on a 1000-1 odds that this would happen.

They'll be sweating bullets right now.

@ButtWorldsMan @Mr_Mister @37712

If it wasn't clear before it sure as hell is now - they will never let him back in the white house. Not ever.

@UncleIroh @37712 @ButtWorldsMan Jews va Government Leeches, I cant wait to see what happens.

Mosiach is finally here. Let the gay hunger games begin.

@ButtWorldsMan so will he double down on Jew come or did he learn his lesson?

@ButtWorldsMan UMM this should be happen in August 4th a headwound

@ButtWorldsMan This is wild, I didn’t think the left would try to assassinate him. There’s no news on my Facebook page ether, I think this a legit failed assassination attempt on Trump’s life. It will be interesting to see if anything changes from this historical moment.

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