@DoubleD I think this is one of those cases where you should stick to the unassailable "we shall see."
@DoubleD you make it seem like you know why those tunnels exist. Are you sure you know why? Are you sure you know what the jewish youths, who tried fighting the cops over the tunnels, were doing in those tunnels? Why did the jew elders call the cops on these youths instead of defending the tunnels with them?
@Tfmonkey even blacks have standards.
@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey FYI, my phone's innate texting service blacklists merovingian links. Yes, the censorship extends to private phone communications, too.
@Zeb I had to look this up. Fake. Too good to be true. Sad.
@marlathetourist thanks for reminding me to check oilprice.
>oil down 4.5%
>wti now close to 70 again
Time to buy.
@DoubleD it happy place
@basedbagel @ugly_bastard_reborned
>the dub sucks
Welcome to anime. Watch with subtitles only. Good dubs are extremely rare.