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@MrpoopyButhole @VooDooMedic make a song about abo blow jobs and them needing to hawk tuah.

@MrpoopyButhole @VooDooMedic that's 10 bucks in real money. Translated to australian that's like 20 kangaroos and a cricket bat.

Oh no, the israel genocide playthrough has hit a snag 😫

@VooDooMedic the brownies really do suffer from a shit filter in their color scheme.

@VooDooMedic she's whore age. Old enough to be a dirty fucking whore.

@UncleIroh I've encountered enough corporate shills or bots on xwitter to believe the dead internet theory is more than just a theory. We also know that federal agencies engage in social media psyops.

I've also seen screenshots of AI images on facebook get tens of thousands of likes/support. Some people won't stand a chance against the near future social media environment.

The six million in the holo....

The civil war wasn't about slav...

The USS Liberty was intentionally attacked by Isra...

JFK was assassinated by the gov... hnnnnnng

Reminder that when the government executed the man known as Harambe, they killed a loving father and devoted husband.

@DoubleD nah I'm just going to give her solutions so she gets pissed off and doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.