@DoubleD @UncleIroh I'm a superhacker. I'm reinstalling and updating spyware on my computer every time I perform a windows update.
@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey TFM has about 20 of those. For tabletop games, of course.
@Stahesh played VN on steam about a guy with an android. Guy gave his android energy by fucking her. Game didn't take itself seriously, but the animations sucked. Shame. My journey to find good coomer games on steam continues
@Mike_Microwave @VooDooMedic if the earth was flat, and in and of itself could be considered a wall, she faceplanted into it.
@ForbiddenDreamer @Tfmonkey
The political coompass.
@311ae7baacffbba98449a793987e3db117e77933c19b1939cff9105a8a06da8b your time, attention, and resources are being exploited by her until she feels like settling for you after taking miles of cock from other men. If you began ignoring the bitch, her sense of security would disappear in an instant and she'd freak out.
@Tfmonkey imagine being productive.
Can't be me.