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@RoninGrey per capita is a new euphemism for niggers. Just like with smoke detectors being detected and becoming an identified trend, there has been a trend of blacks not understanding how per capita works. Tariq Nasheed is one of them.

How gamers determine what body type is female in a video game

"I did nothing wrong, your honor"

Judge: "indeed, you did nothing wrong."

Community notes is endless amusement on a platform with schizos and degenerates.

"Well actually, there might have been one niggurai, but he was basically a secretary/intern tier bitch boy."

This reminds me of how the bigotry of leftists in universities only became a problem, after many years of being ignored, only when jews became inconvenienced.

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You don't even need to connect the small hats anymore, they just tell you what they're doing.

The cuckold sits at the children's table. How are those dinosaur nuggies, champ?

Twitter has become so much more entertaining since Musk took over

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.