@ButtWorldsMan Is there a video of this? I don't see how this is possible in volleyball.
Flag of Israel with goat head hexagram star of David in the center
I think it is a little off slightly to the right of center
@herbpigott Actually I would not.
@vayda HAHA good idea
@shortstories Interesting, thank you for that video.
@Mike_Microwave Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason.
@Stahesh Hahaha
Morning antisemitism @SamHarris
Listen to send back on Suno! 🎵
@DireGoy hahahahaha, yeah I'm sure that's going to work out well for Stripper name.
Creatine is a chemical our bodies naturally produce because it helps your body make/repair ATP. Yes it does put more water in your muscles as well. @Tfmonkey