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@ButtWorldsMan Is there a video of this? I don't see how this is possible in volleyball.

Flag of Israel with goat head hexagram star of David in the center

I think it is a little off slightly to the right of center

@DireGoy hahahahaha, yeah I'm sure that's going to work out well for Stripper name.

@Stahesh @Tfmonkey I'm aware of two people that went on the Carnivore diet. Brock Lesnar and Jordan Peterson. It didn't work out well for either of them. Eat vegetables.

@Stahesh @Tfmonkey It can be found in meat because it is effective in what it does. It's purpose is to aid the body's ability to fuel its muscles. Animals aren't bodybuilders, it's a legit supplement.

Creatine is a chemical our bodies naturally produce because it helps your body make/repair ATP. Yes it does put more water in your muscles as well. @Tfmonkey

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.