DStheo boosted


DStheo boosted

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey fuck yes now America can show us their true colors and how much they love Jew cock. May the markets be unmolested next week.

@Pain66 one became a lesbian, the other became a whore?

DStheo boosted


"If the politicians would let him [speaking of the power of democracy personified as "Demos"] alone, Demos would be the exact embodiment of the average intelligence...Yet, supposing that his evil counselors were all exterminated as they deserve, it would avail us little, for he would soon choose others like them..."

(Incidentally, that quote may initially appear quite charitable to the average man, but you realize that it's an indictment of the enfranchised plebian.)

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DStheo boosted

If you've not read "The Failure of Universal Suffrage", I would recommend it. It shows that the points made by TFM about universal suffrage are not new.

(Parkman, Francis. “The Failure of Universal Suffrage.” The North American Review 127, no. 263 (1878): 1–20. jstor.org/stable/25100650.)

@Tfmonkey Well, thank you for your timely response and point of view! Even though we disagree, I only asked because I appreciate your input.

@Tfmonkey Give this a shot. It's up your alley and only cost three coins and 30 minutes.

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It seems the questions you ask have to be phrased in the present. As if you ask about the future or past, it will tell you not to worry about it.

I asked " Will the United States collapse in 2026?"

The answer: 11 Tai: " follow the natural cycle. Beware of greed, malice, and mean spirited actions. Peace. harmony."

Then I had a chi change on the 1st step of the inner world: " take vigorous action to get out of this lowly place. Find who you belong with. Cooperate with the ongoing process."

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Holy fucking shit. These readings are so accurate. It's scary.

I'm chanting the question while visualizing the question in a form of an event.

Then since I don't have the book yet, because it hasn't released... I am using this website as a substitute: motheringchange.com/

I've been sitting here for the last 4 hours asking various questions, I am astounded by the accuracy and specific advice given by the inner and outer steps.

@malakai Yandex still has the best image search engine on the market.

@Tfmonkey You're right. This is stupid. Why the fuck do I even try to convince you people? You can't even try the most basic thing, Chaos sigil magick, even though it's so easy.

This conversation is just a waste time.

@37712 I found the image on Deviant Art it's "Pink Ranger Anime Girl 03" by MAXSTRIDER21.

Not sure what manga it's from. But a commenter for the original source of this image had recommended reading "Ranger Reject"

@MichaelAlberto @Jim He's retired and out of the drama scene. All he does now is sit back and toot

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