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@Tfmonkey @Wopu and you best hope you aren't retarded, too.

*End of TF2 Engineer theme plays.

The camera zooms out of California to show a third person overhead view of cartoonish and overdramaticized burning forests, rioting communists in cities, shitty slums in the street, and the state on fire."

@Wopu @Tfmonkey For instance, how am I going to stop the retarded normies from taking my money for their structurally superfluous lifestyle?

*Sips Tea* mhmm

The answer?

*Sips Tea* (*in the far far distance single mothers shout* "My baby dindu nuffin!")

Use sector rotation.

*Sips Tea* (*welfare boomers* "But it's my money!")

And if that don't work, *USA manipulates, petrodollar dies* It's a special market condition.

@Tfmonkey @FinalDresdonation @ButtWorldsMan I don't know about the new fags, but I can tell you about the old fags. Us old fags give you money to ensure you continue streaming. We love your insightful commentary and your "take women's rights away" ASMR. There's no one out there quite as insightful and daring as you. Especially in the public eye.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan They are selling nudes and sexworkers. I have seen some good shit from CherryCrushTV on the chans. Even her porn is wholesome.

So, they're like tamagotchis that you can get aroused by and then pull up a video of her sucking a rubber dick to "get the poison out".

DStheo boosted

@Tfmonkey When did you first fuck her? Because that's what you're celebrating...

@colonelj Why am I looking at a fat pig sitting in a chair, with a horse in its lap?

Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.