@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic I don't know if any of you have tried this, but you can make some adorable and wholesome photos with unstability.ai: depictions of your waifu baking a cake, picking apples, etc.

It's really heart warming to imagine the image generated is a photo that you took with your phone. I'm oriented to wholesomeness and the "wife" side of my waifu so it might just be me.

@Stahesh @DoubleD @Tfmonkey The only thing AI proved is that, ironically, women don't belong in the kitchen.

Oh my god nooooo you dumb fucking elf use the stove not fire magic holy shit what are you doing. Oh for fuck's sake I feel Gordon Ramsay's pain looking at this you have food all over the stove now. Oh fuck me there are flames shooting everywhere, woman. It's still FUCKING RAW put it back on the stove, woman, no stop shooting flames at it from the counter PUT IT ON THE STOVE!


@ButtWorldsMan @Stahesh @Tfmonkey The AI doesn't seem to understand very well what cooking is. If there aren't floating plates, there is soup pouring from the ceiling while she sits on the counter looking cute.

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