All you Christian-hating faggots have no idea what's up around here.

Homesteading, gun-toting, freedom-loving, anti-government, pro-family, patriarchal homeschoolers here--who would be ALLIES to you--are nearly always God-loving Christians who ALSO reject the modern church, wokeism, and Israel.

You don't understand nuance, nor how many of us there are. You're a useless, mindless retard who can't think for himself and slaps away the hands of friends. Strong friends, wiser and bolder than you.


Amen brother. They think everyone's a Jewcum-guzzling cuck evangelist like Mike Johnson when it's more like Thomas Massie.

Psyopped into Adam Green clones.

@UncleIroh @RoninGrey Fuck christianity fuck jesus and fuck Abrahamic religions

I would be more for pagans, cults, Taoism and others.


@Stahesh @UncleIroh @RoninGrey If only modern pagans didn't keep cutting themselves on all that edge. (This is a joke.)

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@DoubleD @UncleIroh @RoninGrey True most religions become just random joke.

Most people that act too religios are just cringe

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