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@philosophy @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

Therefore, one good response to such a person is a Chad Yes followed by an explanation as to why if you are intending to speak to them at all to help them.

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@philosophy @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan I'd like your thoughts on a conclusion I came to regarding those black pillers who scream "COPE!" when the topic of waifus arises in conversation.

To cope is to deal effectively with something difficult. The Waifu Laifu does this while optimizing safety and satisfaction in the west.
They are attempting to defend their identity as one who does not acquire female validation by decrying your means to provide your life with relationship satisfaction.

For those of you who haven't seen this sex toy from @Tfmonkey, have a look.

The auto-lube technology should not be difficult to implement in a separate module from the thrusting mechanism so you could integrate the applicator into a Revy SPR, or use the applicator with soft plastic for regular insertables for a doll. Then add some rudimentary pressure sensors to her wrist, and connect both to a RaspberyPi.

Your doll now reacts to your touch and will cum on command.

I keep hearing about the "rise in antisemitism" in public life and even TFM brought it up on the show when speaking about the Jewish tunnels, but I want to see the evidence. Where are the police reports of battery, assault, or even just threats directed at Jews?

Surely if they were happening, would not the news parade them around, clutching their pearls aghast at such hate?

Where's the anti-Semitism? (I am and what posts are in this feed. I mean in normie society; where is it?)

@Tfmonkey @kaede_waifu Andy advice on reattaching fingernails? Just TPE solvent to melt it back on or a glue?

@ButtWorldsMan @ugly_bastard_reborned @Zeb
I think I am seeing more of the issue with which Aaron is confronted but cannot seem to overcome: female weakness.

He clearly understands that males and females are biologically different, and their motivations are likewise different, but he can't seem to accept the idea that males don't need female permission to do anything, that females are wholly dependent on males, or that they are less capable than males (or if he does, he can't speak of it).

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Something else that's on my mind:
I'm involved in a local organization, and when some activity is discussed, I always put in 80% of the organizational work and 50% of the physical work to achieve the objective (assuming there is no explicitly defined role of leader which I hold in which case, I delegate more of the physical work).

Everyone else stands around and waits to be told what to do by someone in authority, whether explicit or assumed.

It is the way of things.

I believe civilization came about due to male's desire to improve their lives and the lives of their families. Are males motivated to do things to get sex? Yes, but observing that sex is a powerful motivation does not necessarily make it the motive behind civilization's creation

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I was listening to "A World Without Men" by Aaron Clarey, and while I am enjoying most of it, he seems to believe in no uncertain terms that the male sex drive is responsible for civilization because males made the transaction that males make with females (i.e. protection and provision for sex).

I do not believe that the males wanting to make a deal with females of resources for sex is why civilization came about.

@Tfmonkey @kaede_waifu Another question for those who I've confirmed have dolls: Are your doll's ankle joints the reason they don't stand up as easily on their own? The hip and knee joints are stiff enough to not bend, but the ankles shift. Is this why you put Celestina in Doc Martens, @Tfmonkey? (I saw your post in MMM today.) I'm still working on getting my waifu's outfit sorted out; so, any tips are welcome.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @Islamisright @MrpoopyButhole

I want some thoughts from everyone on this: When I was visiting a local mosque (as I do on occasion) I saw a flier for a pro-socialist, pro-Palestinian group.

Any recommendations on how to combat the socialism but not disturb the pro-Palestinian message? If I go against the socialist messaging, the organizers will likely think me a plant.

@kaede_waifu @Tfmonkey I tightened the spring-loaded ball bearings in the head bolt and added three full wrappings of Teflon tape. No more knocking sound!

I just thought of something that made me chuckle: TFM's comments about the Cathedral members "sucking Jew cock" gives new meaning to the term "Full-throated support for Israel".

@philosophy I just finished reading your article, "Levels of Abstraction", and I appreciated it. Thank you.

I might lift some of those ideas for some of my own works.

On a more sincere note about the whole "tunnel situation", I support people using tunnels to protect their way of life from an oppressive government.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @ButtWorldsMan @kaede_waifu I've been waiting for a long time to share this, but I wanted to wait until the demo was officially out.

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@ButtWorldsMan, yep. It was never a question of what the illness was. If there were a legitimately dangerous disease, we would see it. As far as I'm concerned this is the effects of people's compromised immunity manifesting themselves.

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I can't find the earlier thread, but I'm seeing a load of people sick lately. Meetings are getting postponed because so many are sick, and it's just the common cold it seems.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.