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@shortstories 100% real, its from a documentary about christians living in israel and serving their jewish masters.

@shortstories They aren't opposing israel. They are broadcasting is unironically.

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More historical accounts the white nationalist controlled opposition movement "Christ is King" won't talk about.

From priest to SS officer, Albert Hartl:

"Close personnel entanglements exist in all countries between Church and Jewry. Important Jesuits and leading personalities of the church were in the most diverse times pure-blood Jews, and even today priests and pastors who are pure-blood Jews are active on both the Catholic and the Evangelic side."


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David Cameron: Iran attacking Israel was "reckless"

Journalist: What would Britain do if our consulate was flattened?

@PNS This is why soyciety needs to collapse. This is how this frail fruitloop responds to words, whats its response going to be be when there's no food, electricity, or water?

@Tfmonkey @Based_Accelerationist I don't have an AI subscription, they are fairly short reads. Not more than 11 minutes or so.

@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey
The files are too big so heres a PDF via google drive. This is a short read on how and why christianity was invented by Rabbi Yeshua (AKA Jesus) and Rabbi Akiva (AKA Paul the Apostle) to basically cuck the goyem into adopting slave morality. Unfortunately, it worked.,

@PinochetsCommieCopter Because of this news I've just issued a chargeback on GW. I'm no longer into Warhammer 40k, I'm now into Project Morning star. May the corporate hyperpowers succeed in their territorial dispute with the corpse emperor, and may their quarterly reports show good CAGR.

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@Tfmonkey Technically Antarctica is human habitable because the penguins can not adapt or cope to man as a predator, and neither can the leopard seals. You would have to go prepared and with proper shelter and a good source of sustainable energy and a means to maintain that energy. It would be the safest location in a nuclear war You also wouldn't have to worry about barbarians or cannibals. Living in Antarctica would also be like living in hell. A great way to keep leftists away.

@pepsi_man This is absolutely laughable. EV's don't have the range, energy density, or ability to charge fast enough. As it stands now the HMMWV is already too fucking heavy for the missions they are assigned. I hope the Army does it. I hope they do it so they end up crippling themselves.

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