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@Devkrovil Bullshit. THOTS who inject foreign particles beneath their skin are to be rejected outright for desecrating the divine symmetry of their body.

@flux_the_cat What a fucking stupid bitch. Does she not realize it will be the Muslims laughing, after the Muslims EXTERMINATE ALL THE JEWS?! Gosh these people are so retarded that cant even scheme past tertiary effects.

Engineer boosted

@Tfmonkey I hate how the christcucks think they have a monopoly on the claim of "traditional morality" when THEY are the progressives! They are the ones who eschewed actual western culture in favor of slave morality imported from the East.

@BobbyGears I agree. I'm just pointing out that oil is not made from ancient lifeforms.

@BobbyGears Funny, but oil is not made from ancient lifeforms.

Engineer boosted

@Tfmonkey Their pope is worse than communist from the catholic perspective, the pope is literally a heretic. He would have been burned at the stake by the Spanish Inquisition 200 years ago. And because the Vatican is technically a sovereign nation, they could remove the Pope and burn him for heresy. Instead the cuckolics seethe and say "Well he didn't say it on the official chair!" which is a ridiculous cope.

@Tfmonkey That sucks. Pickle spears are a reliable source of fiber and they are super low carb. Include a pickle spear with your lunches to reduce supplemental fiber dependency.

Engineer boosted

@Tfmonkey You’ve talked about how leftists blame corporations for corrupting the government instead of the opposite, so I made a little visual. I call it the “Political Vending Machine Hypothesis”.

@Tfmonkey I just realized that Planktons wife was the first exposure most people had of the concept of an AI used to create a wife.

@RodrickSage The solution is to become giga-chad. Take all the responsibility AND be a chad. Thats how you get Alexander the Great.

Engineer boosted

@Tfmonkey Asymmetric warfare is the way. The government can't stop anyone from using small drones to drop bed bugs and termites on the houses of politicians and bureaucrats at 3 AM. Be creative.

@Tfmonkey The politicians are going to do a false flag against these illegals camps, so even if some unhinged white guy doesnt firebomb their encampment, they will just get one of their glowies to do it and say it was a neo-nazi. When people reach "fuck it" the question is simply, will they go after random illegals and black, or low-mid level politicians and bureaucrats in their own homes? Thats the question. There's precedence for people choosing the correct targets: Timothy McVeigh/OKC

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