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@VeganMGTOW It just makes sense to me, kings considered vegetables to be slave food, the conquering Khans only ate meat, the Nephilhim were carnivores, most body builders and power lifters eat lots of meat, the most athletic creatures on the planet are carnivores. Intelligence and high on the food chain are strongly correspondent, I could go on. The fact that their policies are pushing against meat means they want us to be vegetarian. Its more than a psy-op now.

@VeganMGTOW I do the opposite of whatever the globalists tell me to. They tell me that beef is bad because global warming and try to sell me impossible whoppers filled with soy. So I only eat beef.

@VeganMGTOW How can you be so based on so many things and still be so soycucked on diet.

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@ButtWorldsMan Pretty giga-chad existence all things considered.

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I want to say I support the Palestinians, but they gave their women equal rights in 2014, so I'm ambivalently entertained.

@shortstories Christianity explicitly preaches to love thy enemy. I preach to torture and enslave thy enemy. Simple as.

@shortstories @martianvenator I'm familiar with Max Stirner. I've read the ego and his own. Jusaism is absent of honor and relies exclusively on trickery and deceipt. I do not respect it. Any victory it obtains is a fickle victory at best and any institution it creates is unstable.

@martianvenator But Christianity is Jewish. They worship the same god YHWH, and they both are fundamentally slave morality. Nietzsche was correct in his critic isms of christianity.

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@PG_Kelly Its a kit car. It has no make/model. Its basically custom. Its based on luxury European cars of the 1930's.

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@Arkana The only "ironic lolicon" I would believe is a picture of Donal Trump annihilating the butt hole of an 8 year old Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton with lots of blood and stuff.

@Evil_Bender Those are American weapons, thats an M2 browning and those are American grenades.

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