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I'm sick of people gaslighting me about the severity of false accusations.

I don't care how often it happens. I care that there are NO CONSEQUENCES FOR THE BITCH LYING!

Even if I didn't lose any time/money/stress:

Your reputaiton is PERMANENTLY DAMAGED.

Who TF would take a chance on a potenital rapist even if the bitch is a know liar?

I cannot afford psychologically or financially to deal with women rn so you guys have fun.

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I found out why so many people at my school thought I was gay...

Women are a problem but they don't hold a candle to jealous men.

Jealous men are THE BIGGEST threat you can encounter.

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I respect the racists, anti-semites, and an-caps more on here more than i will any normie.

Why? Because even though I disagree with them, at least they STAND for something instead of believing whatever the gov tells them to.

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CNN: "Thank for coming. We're looking for a new diverse show for our network.

TFM:"Diverse you say? Say no more! Between me and my cohosts we have trans, blacks, chinese, jews, the gang's all here!"

CNN:"Great! Tell me more."

TFM:"Gladly! We don't shy away from any topic.Some of our past segments are:

Kuroi's Calloused penis in a cage
Horse porn
Kudos to the Taliban"

CNN:"The Taliban?!"

TFM:" Look they're not perfect but I give credit where credit is due.

CNN: *Has a panic attack


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Wherein Steven Crowder basically confirms that conservative inc is controlled opposition. @Tfmonkey
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@Tfmonkey @Tfmonkey Gary used government manipulation to reduce Turd Flinging Infernape's net worth. It's super effective.
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I know dehumanizing is supposed to be bad thing, and in most cases it is.

However dehumanizing normies has done WONDERS for my mental health.

Watching them bumble through life the same way I would watch a pigeon or a squirrel is calming, funny almost endearing activity.

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I am finally free from GODFORESAKEN UNI and you wanna know something funny?

My politics did a 180 from when I started to when I finished.

IMO UNI will radicalize you faster than any content creator online could ever dream of.

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Taken from a Reddit post compilation video. Thank god I don't have to deal with the Home Owner's Association.

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I struggle making peace with the duality of life.

On one hand, If life hadn't been so painful so early on, I wouldn't be the based bagel I am today. I would be a boosted bagel with a blood clot.

But, the pain in my early life was immense. So immense that, despite my best efforts, I harbor a lot of resentment for those who screwed me over.

Such is the duality of life. .

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@Mutsu_a125 @BigDuck Underneath all the monster girl and nandroid posting is this: The idea that a wonderful, perfect wife is such a rare creature that she’s basically already a fantasy creature, might as well add more rationale to explain how she exists

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@basedbagel @Tfmonkey
The thing about clearing out commies is that we have to acknowledge it's a never-ending task that each generation has to undertake.

Commies will always be with us. It's a pattern of behavior as old as humanity, which is why we encoded it in the story of Cain and Abel.

As for Jews, they have their own state. They just need to go back and stay there. Some ethics don't play well together.

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@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey

I had a really funny response to this that I lost when the server went down.

Commies really suck the fun out of everything...

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@basedbagel @Tfmonkey
Some agreement then, good.

Once again, "200 Years Together" shines the brightest light on this whole subject. Except you won't find it on Amazon since it's probably the most banned book in the world.

I'm reading it now & it's the most even-handed, thoroughly researched & well-written account of Jews & their part in the last 250 years of Russian history you can find.

And Jews have every reason to not see it in print. If it were garbage it would be available everywhere.

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