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In fairness I've met a couple of women that were worth a damn.

They both got married <25 and/or were religious.

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@basedbagel @VooDooMedic

Where to go, which country??

I often think about this. Looking at vax rates is a useful proxy on how conformist a country's population is. Or how repressive it is.

e.g, Singapore is great for all the reasons TFM says, but dogshit when it comes to the vax rate. High social conformity + small island + slightly repressive = high vax rate.

Here's a chart where I selected data that shows the English-speaking West vs BRICS. Just press play.

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@VooDooMedic I feel you but I'm working my plan.

It's a real shame because America was one of a kind.

I like the east but they're too conformist for my taste (Japaneses vax rate despite no mandate).

I'm working like a crackhead so I can get my ass out of here before the next plandemic

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I stand alone in my political views.

Why I'll never be a republican:

Patriotism (Simping at scale)
Back the blue
The Draft
Women's rights

Why I'll NEVER be a democrat:
Sexual degeneracy
Openly Satanic
Basic Economics
Gun rights
Women's rights

They can call me alt-right all they want. I will NEVER support either of these nonsensical parties.

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@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel

After all, compliance is at the heart of the Asch Conformity Experiment that TFM likes to talk about. You know who else is more agreeable and compliant by nature?


You could make a good case that the root of Feminism's destructive success is weaponized agreeableness; their innate tendency to conform and defer.

In real life, female Dominatrix's are incredibly rare. Women just don't have it in them and their natural desires are exactly opposite.

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@YoMomz @sardonicsmile @mutageno

When a bunch of high profile women step down it's usually because a storm is coming that they don't want to be associated with. (Think Equifax)

Fingers crossed I'm wrong though

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i have to say , am surprised by reddits responce of being mature about this , very unusaul. well doesnt matter they be dead soon anyway "climate change attacks" spooky stuff.

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Among the major players in the world, I can see China being more likely to have a future. That is because I see articles about how the Chinese government is going directly against feminism. Granted, these may be small actions, but let us consider the current Chinese system. What exactly is stopping them from hitting the gas and really "taking women's rights away?" Nothing really, since they do not have to worry about elections.

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@basedbagel Once the US loses in Ukraine, a lot of the non-European world will turn on the Cathedral, and Taiwan will likely seek to normalize relations peacefully.

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@Tfmonkey @basedbagel
So on the show TFM mentioned Solzhenitsyn's book "200 Years Together".

I have read it and it really is a work of excellence. Not the anti-semitic screed it's characterized to be. It is in fact well researched and even-handed.

Unfortunately, it's contents are so uncomfortable and unpalatable, it's no wonder that Jews the world over want it buried.

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But you need ALL of the above.

Consider the following toast given by a father at his daughter's wedding:

"I love my wife. I know that what I can accomplish alone does not compare to what I can do with her by my side.

Happiness. To love and be loved. These are the pursuits of life. They cannot be achieved in solitude and that is by design. Life is not mean to be lived alone."

Aaron Clarey is right, this kind of life is no longer on the menu. At all.


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There is nothing wrong with marriage, only the conditions under which it is lived.

Our current Western Progressive Empire has turned it into defacto slavery for some (responsibility without authority).

Under patriarchy however, marriage can be an unparalleled force-multiplier for happiness, community, productivity and Godliness.

At it's best, marriage to the right woman, from a good family, in a good community, under just laws can provide meaning & purpose in abundance.


So for all my homies out there. While we've got to get our move on out of the way of things happening I'd suggest reading 'Words From a Bosnian Survivalist'. Very good piece from a guy named Selco who survived the collapse of Bosnia and the social ills that came with it. Just a lot of basic small things to look out for and obviously not all is applicable, but certainly if you're not "Out in da woods." entirely it can be a useful supplement to read into. Short, and to the point. Good small Read.

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Remember back in 2008 when Christians were saying if we let the gays marry we'll end up with pedos and degeneracy?

I do and I remember laughing to my self thinking "Silly Christians, that's a slippery slope fallacy" *destiny voice

Well we're here. I'm sorry Christians, you guys were right.

The slippery slope is NOT a logical fallacy.

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