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@basedbagel @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @average_random_joe @mutageno lol women make themselves look dumb, that’s why we call them the meme gender because they either are completely unaware or don’t care about their cognitive dissonance, their hypocrisy and lack of accountability for their actions.

@sardonicsmile as long as men keep putting up with it and accepting this deal, it will never end or get any better. It’s unfortunate that most men still keep taking the deal, no matter how bad it gets.

@basedbagel @sardonicsmile yeah I’m an introvert so I’ve never really had a big social circle or a group of friends. I was happy just having one good friend to talk to; but I can see now that I don’t really have friends in real life anymore. Honestly it does get lonely not having that many people to talk too, especially about the things you want to talk about.

I got a lot of pushback when I said women shouldn't work.

Now it's time for my victory lap.

Bud light- brand KILLED by a lousy bitch

Equifax - 425 MILLION dollar data breach because a dumb bitch didn't update the computers on time...

Facebook- Suffered a data breach and the bitch in charge who barely worked just retired and didn't even show up to court. Zuck had to stand in for her.

Do you still think I'm crazy for saying women shouldn't work or be in any position of leadership?

45% of the FBI is female.

Is it any surprise that the FBI is now targeting the red pill space?

When I call justglowiethings an agent I'm not just being mean.

If the FBI was corrupt as hell when men were in charge what do you think these bitches will do to us?

According to this chart from 52.1% of Lawyers in the United States are Female, and 52.4% of Law School Graduates are female. Not only are they the majority of voters but also the majority of college graduates, teachers, psychologists, people in higher education and now will be dominating jobs in our justice system, womens power and influence in society is only getting stronger as the days go by.

@basedbagel I agree but I’m more talking in the future when the dust settles, I’m optimistic about the longterm future but I will definitely say in the current year I have some pessimistic views. And yes people do have to seek education in order to become educated, it comes from a spark of curiosity. I didn’t necessarily experience pain to discover mgtow and the redpill, I noticed things that were not making sense and I seeked the answers, because I didn’t hear many people talking about it.

@basedbagel maybe we can have some form of right of passages for young men like in ancient Sparta, this is assuming we go back to a society where fathers are a big part of a child’s life. I would say the fact that we exist on these alt platforms when we all started off bluepilled, it does prove eduction works, because we obviously snapped out of the gynocentric conditioning.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.