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@basedbagel it kinda outlines that women really are not the problem it’s the weak men, it’s the white knights and cucks who are the problem. Feminism wouldn’t of been able to be as effective if it wasn’t for men helping their movement. Women cannot really organize and accomplish anything on their own. Even Gloria Steinem needed a man to help her write her articles and journals. That’s why in the future what I hope for is for all men to be educated on female nature from an early age.

@mrhorsetwat become a based fatphobe. Lose weight to trigger the libs, own the libs.

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@mutageno Everything become easy. When we do not listen to the government.

There is no magic race of modern women, you just pick your poison.

Black women: Brute force trauma

White women: Death by 1000 passive aggressive cuts

Asian women: Silent, cold, calculated killers.

Spanish women: No personal experience but let me know how they are if you do.

If you think there's a magic race of feminine women think again!

Transgenderism, the first bullet that backfired on women. Worry not, cuckservatives will whiteknight for them.

@sardonicsmile artificial wombs, transhumanism ,preserving male spaces, and genetic manipulation/ gene splicing are the long term solution in order to break out of the cycle, TWRA is a contingency plan to use before we have that technology and implementing Responsibilitism, balancing rights with responsibilities. Short term solutions are to go mgtow and come out as a stunningly brave masculine presenting transgender lesbian to protect ourselves from gynocentric laws/ discrimination.

@37712 @mutageno yeah I remember a video from Colttaine titles “Equal Contribution” where he talked about a study from The Economic Bureau of Research, that stated after analyzing Kings and Queens from the 15th-20th centuries Queens were 27% more likely to wage conflict than Kings. He also talked about Margaret Thatcher and Indira Gandhi who were both female leaders who weren’t against using war and dominance to achieve what they wanted, very male like if you ask me.

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