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Love how women ALWAYS think that our preferences are dictated by the collective like theirs are. Do they thing the boys are into warhammer and history because….all the popular guys are?

Of course not, they’re just dumb and can’t look past their own minds. sigh.

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@sardonicsmile Unfortunately we have too many white knights in America, probably the most out of any country number wise.

This is interesting, I’m much more fascinated by the history of organized crime in America, also in the video he states the Women’s Crusade of 1873 primarily drove the push for Prohibition, the 18th amendment. So I guess you can say women had an influence in increasing the power of the mafia during the prohibition era. If women’s suffrage didn’t happen, perhaps prohibition wouldn’t of happened.

It's hard being superior to women in pretty much every way, but it's a life worth living.

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