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Believe all women

Trans women are real women

Believe all trans women

If trans women start accusing feminists of sexually assaulting them then you should believe them because they are real women and you should believe all women

Women are beautiful when controlled like a fireplace, it can warm your home and life or it can burn you down and destroy everything you love its all about how well you can control it

@Based_Accelerationist @Pain66right now in our society it’s called the Halo effect, people both men and women (but especially men in this regard), accumulate more status and wealth the more physically attractive they are. Both men and women associate greater qualities towards better looking men, an example would be ie most US presidents were around 6ft tall. People associate better looking men as more confident and intelligent. Where as being good looking as a woman has different advantages.

@Pain66 That actually doesn't sound too bad, if reality worked like that. The Chads (mostly masculine, violent, impulsive, individualistic) would get all the perks while the Betas (mostly weak, collectivist, backstabbing, low-T) would be serfs and die out, in theory. Very nice.

In truth, it would be chaos, because women don't have what it takes to rule society and you'd see violent revolutions after enough suffering had been experienced. Still better than this dystopia though.

@Lorgar in the future when the cycle starts to repeat itself again, I don’t think men will listen to all the things we said, despite numerous evidence.

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