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Only 26% of Americans express general trust in the news, it’s the lowest in the world, wholly shit.

Biden says he's "running again" after he "vaccinated the nation" and "rebuilt the economy."

Further adding, that he came into office, with Kamala, to transform "how the economy works" and "the way it literally functions."

“Young men have absolutely no incentive to not be ruthless, because the previous society doesn’t give them any bones.”

@Tfmonkey Instead of "silver or lead," the government works more like Genghis Khan. Obey or die.

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Staten Island protesters are outraged that elderly citizens were kicked out of their nursing homes so that the state could house illegal migrants.

Eric Adams tried to claim the facility was "vacant", but this protester said his 87-year-old mother was living there, and the staff had no idea what was going on.

lol the guys that are willing to date onlyfans models aren’t exactly high value.

TFM if the commodities markets hadn't been manipulated and he made bank during winter of 2022.

@Tfmonkey Even Napoleon took womens rights away. We must learn from the best.

Pearly things is setting off a twitter storm on right wing twitter over how bad of a deal marriage is. It’s hilarious and also sad at the same time to see conservative inc and right wing women defend marriage until like schizo sjws. They’re losing their minds over the hint that pearly might be red pilling conservatives young guys into avoiding marriage. Really goes to show how both the left and right really just wanna enslave men for their own gain. Fuck them all.

“Everyone agrees that genetics drives half of personality, intelligence and more.”

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.