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Cuck gets arrested after he decides to confront his wife about the cucketry

Nope they’re happy with their waifus. You’re still miserable.

i will admit, am not like you people, am a loser, ever since school i am a loser, never knew the good side of life. Thats why i hardly put any effort, i hardly go to the Doctor, why bother improving my health, what is there to look forward to?

I hope WW3 comes, and they drag me to it. i want to life to tell me how much it hates me, God meant people to suffer and be losers. Without us there are no winners.

God hates losers, that why he always chose winners to be his chosen.

People will destroy heaven to create hell simply because heaven was created by someone other than them, and the heaven they live in makes them feel inferior.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.