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TFM, this webpage will follow you for all time!

"Ethnicity: Chimpanzee"

Is there a limit to male disposability? Because even in the past men were more honored and respected for their sacrifice, far more than they are now. Once men realize that the society doesn’t care about them or honor their values/needs, that’s when they stop caring about that society. Older video, but still interesting.

I know you do not care that anyone steals your ideas, @Tfmonkey, though I am not sure if this is something anyone else copied your homework on this topic (lack of police reports filed by women who claimed to be raped).

I will give Pearl or her handlers some credit of being better at stealing ideas than Andrew Tate, who does not seem to know what ideas are worth stealing (e.g. would you rather have sex with Megan Fox with a dick or Hulk Hogan with a vagina).

@sardonicsmile this is what life is like for the average man and the sub 5 man, without a positive Mathew Effect to create strong self confidence, and no natural advantages/good genetics/luck this world will tear you apart. Luck is the only morality in this cruel world.

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