Devon on his last blackpilled stream talked about ads and how they are not about the product. The entire essay was essentially him not realizing what tfm said that ads selling feelings are for women. Ads with specs are for men. Therefore transformation of the ad industry reflects the ginocentrism spreading throughout the society.
Rich people who benefit from lower wages for men push feminism
How Feminism Failed Us All
Alex Hexagon
Thought this was interesting.
@RegalBeagle DEI over meritocracy. it was inevitable. USSR collapsed for the same reason, incompetent people on important places, loyal to the cause but damaging to the entire society with their lack of skill to handle the job.
@Tfmonkey you should write "the" book on feminism, gynocenrism, history of how and why we got here. How and why to rebuild the society and summarize past decade of what you have learnt. It should be your opus. Throw in net tax payer system and welfare as well.
50 million illegal aliens are currently in the United States right now.