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@VooDooMedic i have not looked into it but i think the main reason they got kicked out of all countries was debt - their main weapon. Even in Mesopotamia, i think in the first ten days of new year the debts were wiped off. And I think even muslims today cannot issue debt to their own. And i think modern jews cannot borrow from their own either. So it seems only christians got fucked.

Deadpool 3 movie was not good but damn, this is such a great acting. Jackman mad the movie, for me. The rest I could care less about. Immature, bad writing, bad story...bad from any angle. I guess Wolverine was the only grown-up in the movie, hence why I liked him.

is The Witness worth $10 on steam right now? I wanted to try it but i've read it really has no story so it kinda discouraged me from buying it. Also, usually it costs about $40 like AAA game...

I hate sleeping. Not that is is not pleasant, but it takes away an entire third of your entire life. If you die at 80, you have been unconscious for at least 26 years of that. So you you actually lived little over 50 years. Such a waste of productivity.

@Lorgar UK is cucked and fucked. Germany, Sweden,...

Justicar boosted

So apparently Jews built the first mosque in the UK. That's fucking weird.

Wolverine(HJ) got lucky. Imagine if he'd left with his mom.

When your grand parents die and when your grand children die, there will be one alive who knows you even existed.

Alcohol is toxic, lets build an entire industry on selling it.

Coffee has stimulating pesticide, lets build an entire industry on selling it.

Tobacco has opioid pesticide, lets build an entire industry on selling it.

Cacao is bitter, which our body tells us is toxic to us, slap some sugar on it and lets build an entire industry on selling it.

The Fugu fish is one of the most poisonous sea creatures, let's make it into a delicacy.

...humans are the Florida Man of species.

Justicar boosted

@37712 yeah, i had 4 in a row. all died before, during or little after the warranty. it's not like the era of intellimouse that lasted for ever. but this is about the shape, not the hardware.

If you encounter powerful force you can tremble in fear and run away, find courage to oppose it or submit to it. The last one is synonym for respect. Word often used in a mans world. But often confused with admiration whereas in reality it is a sign of being subserviant. Compared with fear and courage, it is one based on intellect and not emotion. Which might even make it worse, since it is a conscious decision to submit.

ah, it's a lovely 22C outside. i take that over 30C any day.

Devon on his last blackpilled stream talked about ads and how they are not about the product. The entire essay was essentially him not realizing what tfm said that ads selling feelings are for women. Ads with specs are for men. Therefore transformation of the ad industry reflects the ginocentrism spreading throughout the society.

@Wopu im on windows so i just downloaded latest version from their website

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.