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ok, i think i have figured out why the tech/it online communities suck so hard. beside the degeneracy. it is because the experienced gen-x and older milenials simply left. it's mostly gen-z and younger milenials, both with lack of extensive experience.

@Mr_Mister love it :D if i would have rumble account, i'd subscribe right away.

Find me an online community that does not have transformers, faggots, furries, women and codes of conduct. I'll wait... you won't find any. Especially in tech.

@RegalBeagle listen, i like the look of it. but that is just the UI. the UX, which actually matters, is terrible. you need to hack it around to make it look like usable DE and even then you probably won't make it all the way through. not to mention it's missing a lot of settings.

@RegalBeagle gnome is an abortion that somehow made it through the birth and now people pretend how great it is.

Another 2 weeks long heat wave begun yesterday with 33C projected for every single day. Most people quite underestimate the influence of weather on their wellbeing. Temperature, sunshine, or the lack of, air adds up. I swore I won't spend another winter in here but it seems I have little choice because I won't be able to find rent as cheap as I have now. So if I go, there is no going back and will most likely pay 30%-50% more - for good. I have a plan though - week-long vacationS :)

@sardonicsmile quick death is the best thing anyone should wish for.

Today on TFM:

Woodoo: usa sends the best shit to israel. billions and billions.

Halsey: nuh-uh. israel makes the best shit on its own.

KDE on linux won't even show you newly installed applications. it's 2024 ffs and it's still lacking the absolutely basic user features.

@Lorgar yeah..that's literally what "I guess he run out of clientele" means.

Just saw a video from Nomad Capitalist after quite some time. I have noticed Andrew no longer says "7 or 8 figure entrepreneurs". I guess he run out of clientele

@Based_Accelerationist yeah, it's complicated. they have infested all aspects of higher politics everywhere.

i am testing open suse in virtualbox. i downloaded jetbrains ide and those cunts totally removed icons. even this look took me some time to figure out because they totally fucked up their entire UI. i am using some old cracked 2022 version before this mayhem. shit, i might just start coding in vs code or some shitty editor.

@ButtWorldsMan @RoninGrey the problem is like with any other "space". you see it, you leave because you do not tolerate/accept it. then you have nowhere to go. they win.

this is very bad. iran should have nuked them out of this universe already

Even though East is rising and Russia is/will be probably the best country for white and based people to move to. Problem is that Russia has 10% of its population praying to Allah and there are still about 200k of the rat people, that have a lot of power. So it's far from being the land of milk and honey for the white people. I would even go as far as saying that China would make for a better choice, if one wants to get in on the rising quality of life in the east. I would not marry Chinese thou

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.