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@LysanderMooner why would you even say that, you should intead be saying I wish men had never been dumb enough to think that women are equal to men and that they should be given rights

Muslims in Dearborn chanting death to America should fuck Off and die

I dont want to interact with or even hear ppl

If loneliness kills, solitude saves.

One of the problems is not just that they created a fake vaccine but that if they replace all regular vaccines with mRNA vaccines then there are no real vaccines

If you are a new parent then it will actually be impossible to get your child vaccinated with a real vaccine if they do this

Children will start dying of diseases that the rest of the population used to be immune to

Either the mRNA vaccines will be fake placebos that do nothing or will kill or hurt children instead of protecting them

i must be a robot because i literally cannot solve half of these captchas any more

you MGTOW will appreciate this

article comparing seeking women's approval to saying "See, Mommy says Im a good boy!"

@Scubbie are you full of the holy Spirit and walking with Jesus?

@Based_Accelerationist or was jesus a pagan hero character invented by the romans to pacify the jews?

Can one return to christianity after reading nietzsche? I try reading bible and it just seems so life denying

Is Ron Paul the only American who still cares about freedom?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.