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When trump talks high inflation he associates it with high interest rates like lowering rates is gonna stop inflation 🤦🏿‍♂️

@LysanderMooner These are instances where the body should never be found

@Electronwarrior no one cares

We deserve it
Allahu ackbar

Your white women get all their rape fantasies fulfilled

Jews think it's morally fine to rape to death those who have harmed the jewish race, and they completely rule over Whites. If you think morality is anything other than a system of racial empowerment then you're just a retard who has fallen for a multimillenia jewish psyops. That which harms the race = bad, that which empowers the race = good. If throwing babies into a fire was objectively empowering our race then it would be our duty to throw babies into a fire.

@givenup make pickles

I made pickles and relish with my 2 plants

those fuckers that keep spreading the bird flu, causing culling of millions of birds, and who knows what economic damages, need to be found and publicly impaled, broadcasted on live tv. covid, sars, mers.. those guys too. but this bird flu is repeated every couple of years like a clock. they need to be stopped in most painful and violent manner.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.