@LysanderMooner He's a politician now.
@Justicar YOLO
@LysanderMooner These are instances where the body should never be found
Brother captures sisters Somali rapist
@Electronwarrior no one cares
We deserve it
Allahu ackbar
Your white women get all their rape fantasies fulfilled
@givenup is there a trellis under there
@givenup nice
@givenup make pickles
I made pickles and relish with my 2 plants
@RodrickSage are u a chaser?
those fuckers that keep spreading the bird flu, causing culling of millions of birds, and who knows what economic damages, need to be found and publicly impaled, broadcasted on live tv. covid, sars, mers.. those guys too. but this bird flu is repeated every couple of years like a clock. they need to be stopped in most painful and violent manner.
Former progressive neomarxist turned procap non white-white nationalist
Proud trap inclusive trans lesbian