@Shlomo female soldiers are an embarrassment , these bitches will be happily bred by their Russian conquerors for the opportunity to live
@Shlomo was that a video of her teasing in a skirt on her phone?
I bet they're some sexy nazis
@brittbratt_fingerpuppet good news!
Now post the healthy flesh 😁😉
@shortstories yes turf wars, resource wars
@Justicar he's still appealing to the constitution like it matters to tyrants
ALL HELL IS BREAKING LOOSE IN AURORA https://youtube.com/live/ZfMI-XKT61Q?si=mQUMN-_HsJhyfZpG
Hahahaha I just found out a kid who called me nigger in high school is a nigger lover with out of wedlock half calf bastard kids😂😂😂😂
Former progressive neomarxist turned procap non white-white nationalist
Proud trap inclusive trans lesbian