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@shortstories @Stahesh so? Russia is naturally anti Nazi
I don't talk about the Holocaust ever either

Russia prosecuted thousands less than the UK for online speech last year too

Is Obama's spouse the only famous transgender person who the media does not admit is transgender

If snowden did what he did for a crumb of fake pussy worn by some foreign nation's glownigger, I'd happily call for his execution. But he didn't. Total simp death.

Halsey was real defensive of American kikery this week and as usual the monkey ran cover for the Orthodox

Time to test this.


U.S. & Chinese Scientists Working To Make MORE DEADLY Bird Flu Strains!

There are actual human beings that don't work for the government who believe that Jan 6th was some kind of insurrection and this blackpills me.

@Nazareno sounds right, hopefully there's still plenty of Nazi descendants waiting for them

@Nazareno he probably wants to make Argentina the next Israel once the Arabs finally purge them again

@Nazareno sad to see milei so desperate for a ride on the Titanic

I can mathematically demonstrate why the Western world is fucked.
Let’s take the simplest of all equations: a + b = c
The value the Western world adheres to is equality. According to this, it is paramount that a = b = c
However it is only possible if a = 0, b = 0 and c = 0
So equality can only exist in 0. In nothingness.
And this is where we are going.

@shortstories exactly my point and I'm pretty sure Singapore still has a vaccine requirement to enter 🤣

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