@basedbagel Gonzalo lira RIP came up with it then the monkey ran with it but they're obviously cucked
@RoninGrey I honestly didn't consider that
Guess I fell for the psyop
@shortstories more like remember every single episode, TFM tries project Halseys temperament across the entire Orthodox community while never mentioning the secret child rape lines in Orthodox bath houses
Maybe the monkey is a Jew...
The more I see, the more I wonder..
@shortstories TRUMP SIGNED THE ACT
@ButtWorldsMan @marlathetourist @Tfmonkey
What if Trump gets elected
Saves the economy
Causes white people to die in a war for Israel
Trump gets fake assassinated with a bullet, sword, knife or other head wound
Trump turns out to be alive after three days
Trump is Jew who rebuilds the Jewish temple
Trump orders everyone must become a slave to the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews & only worship Jews & Jew god Hashem or get executed
Trump orders Christians to be mass executed for idol worship
@Tfmonkey Um, bigot, they're OUR nazis. And it's OUR ethnic cleansing.
Because of the word limit there is too much text too prove my point about Jews executing people for practicing other religions most especially Christianity
Extensive quotations are taken from Rabbis and Jewish books
I have checked numerous Talmud quotations from this website and found them on Jewish websites saying essentially the same thing in English
For a more specific article
New America
1. America's New Government Church
Come-and-hear dot com
@shortstories do they?
I've seen Orthodox Israelis spit on christians
Hamas claims Palestinian right to offshore Mediterranean gas
attackthesystem dot com
Former progressive neomarxist turned procap non white-white nationalist
Proud trap inclusive trans lesbian