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Tags: historical_perspective, jews
Source: The booru is down for now
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@Tfmonkey Coincidentally, KnowMoreNews just released a compilation of rabbis partially revealing what they think about Christianity and Islam. And this view that Christianity was nothing more than controlled opposition and the conquering arm of Judaism, is nothing new. Some of the people on this video are merely quoting famous Torah scholars of the Middle Ages, like Maimonides, who at the time, said the exact same thing:

As soon as I showed up in Africa one of my uncles asked me how Americans could support what Israel is doing when we're supposed to be an inspiration to them?(Global South/third world)
I could tell this made him very disappointed and I just quoted Nixon that Americans won't believe anything unless they see it on TV

@PNS i hope he comes out with a new book and a funny mustache

@BowsacNoodle according to them Jesus was a Muslim and prophet of allah

@Stahesh if the trait is retardation or paralysis then you would support euthanasia for injured people too?

@shortstories yup my cuz said you can't trust the Bible cuz it's touched by man

Gypsies bringing reality to the fallen land of Gomorrah. Nice

@LysanderMooner Imagine being a South African farmer who fled to the UK only to find this shit.

I kinda dont want trump to win cuz he'll unite the white for the USG while biden keeps pushing to unite the white against the USG

Vegan debaters need to apply "name the trait" argument to abortion
"Name the trait" present or absent in a fetus that if present or absent in a grown animal would justify needlessly murdering it,

question like that should make them pro life if they value consistency as much as they say

Tags: 2000s, jews, 9_11, 911, false_flag, larry_silverstein, usa, america
Source: The booru is down for now
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Was social security created as an effective bailout for mothers who failed to raise children willing or able to support them in retirement?

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