Tiny hats hijinks.
How Israel cucked the United States
@Tfmonkey so you can be my father in law and my wife simultaneously?
Throw a used sex toy in there and you got grandkids otw😭
@UncleIroh @kaiservenom @LysanderMooner @37712 Damn is really Hittler's reencarnación
@LysanderMooner It all depends on which side wins this war. So far, the Jews have survived everything thrown at them whereas their enemies have all been utterly subverted and eradicated. Islam is a spinoff of Christianity, which itself comes from Judaism. Both spread ideals useful to Jewish interests and both are deeply infiltrated. But I'm talking about Germany and their fate will be 100% decided during the collapse.
Classic Archie bunker
Former progressive neomarxist turned procap non white-white nationalist
Proud trap inclusive trans lesbian