>fingers in his moth
i will never be able to grasp how niggers can act so violent yet use feminine body language. Even their materialism/consumerism compete in women tier heights
@Shlomo Happy jewbecue Sunday!
@Tfmonkey Great, now I'm going to venture outside tomorrow night and I just know I'm going to get entrapped by a single mom and end up on the hook for child support payments. I hope you're happy
> “ the niggers that live near me”
I’m so sorry to hear that
@Tfmonkey if I can’t dress my waifu as a nazi then I don’t wanna shop at this store
@Shlomo my whole escape plan depended on them remaining open… fuck
@blitzdriver @Tfmonkey that’s the beauty of nature, it doesn’t care even an ounce about your feelings
@Tfmonkey too late, I already sent the nudes you asked for
@Shlomo They must have figured out the "hot IDF girls" in all those photoshoots weren't real jews
@Charles_in_Charge @PinochetsCommieCopter And that is what we call the "nigger tax"
@mackya @HockeyDoxie I’m excited for Nosferatu. Count Orlok feels more right as a vampire than Dracula
@CleverMoniker @Shlomo This. Also, what moron announces he’s going to assassinate someone before he assignors said someone
@sardonicsmile what the fuck are you on about? People hate Indians because they COME HERE with their filthy habits. Who gives a shit what they do on their subcontinent as long as they keep it there
@ButtWorldsMan nooo sirs! Roads for pooping not pee peeing!