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@givenup then your local gov raises your property taxes, squeezing you out of your own home

@sardonicsmile @DoubleD
> Sex -> chad
a group of horny incels will murder chad for the pussy

Attention -> social media
turn the power off

Companion -> cat
cats can't eat you out

Retirement-> government
governments come and go

Protection -> police
See above

@MrpoopyButhole when the for real holocaust happens, I'll make sure their sneakers pile up to the height of Mt. Everest.

@Shlomo now that every western city is full of niggers, pajeets and sand niggers, the Dresden experience will be an improvement

@Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta @thefinn Out of all the tragic death his family suffered, he knows his will be from the McNugget

@Tfmonkey All the sick Holocaust stories they invented, like the masturbation machines, skin lamps, human soap, Banjo-Kazooie, looney toon style guns, and gas baths are reflections of what jews want to do do the goyims

@Tfmonkey nooooo you’re wrong, tfm. Daddy Elon and papa Trump will shower us with prosperity and back the dollar with Bitcoin. You’re just a boomer who doesn’t understand us kids n shits

@sardonicsmile It's not a tax dodge; it's a deferral. Employees still pay taxes on their withdrawals, and the only tax "benefit" the business itself can claim is it can write-off their contributions

@Tfmonkey remember back when you thought they would end the commodity manipulation because you thought they weren’t that retarded but it turned out they were that retarded? I have a feeling we’ll see that again tonight

@Stahesh I think there's too much focus on what "right" the Palestinians vs the Israelis have and how they acquired that land. The jews proved themselves too untrustworthy and bad stewards of that region. It doesn't matter how they received that land, they need to be evicted and they need to go.

@mackya I haven’t watched him in years, did he quit the jew cock or is this suppose to be a spoof

@Justicar The funny thing is Germany had the munitions, equipment and supplies needed for the Eastern front, but they lacked the needed logistical skills to actually transport them. While Germans were dying, their much needed supplies were sitting in warehouses 100s of miles away. Which reinforces the adage "Amateurs study tactics; Professionals study logistics"

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