@Tfmonkey why don't you join Islam? Is it because they value equality and you don't? Are you letting the perfect become the enemy of the good? They have patriarchy, they have the solution. And they even get uppity when the government fucks with them. There ya go a community to join, you can have a family.
@VooDooMedic dad implies dey have keeedz
https://www.livescience.com/physics-mathematics/mathematics/high-school-students-who-came-up-with-impossible-proof-of-pythagorean-theorem-discover-9-more-solutions-to-the-problem. Um are you saying women and backs and black women cannot solve 2000 year old problems @Tfmonkey ? I know women are dumb, and niggers are dumb. But apparently when you mix women and niggers together you get problem solvers? What?!?
@ButtWorldsMan it's really amazing how the USA own goals itself and Chyna takes advantage of it...every single time
@ButtWorldsMan oils on sale today
@Mommy it's not a bad thing just reminding me of your titty posts
@Mommy do you know of the fucked up anime called goodbye, dragon life? Ya that's you
@Stahesh but the bought it leeeeeeegally
@DicusMaximus ha ha ha @Tfmonkey that's the way buddy, show us how it's done at the truck stop.
@ToyotaTime that 9mm better be pinned to 5 rounds there buddy
@sardonicsmile why is war and illness profitable? Why is it that stealing from the rich to kill brown people is profitable? Why is bombing our way to prosperity profitable? Why is it that government healthcare is profitable? Ya it's broken.
@ToyotaTime well said good sir.
@sardonicsmile that's retarded, it's like the broken window fallacy on crack
Listen to Redux ethnic cleansing on Suno! 🎵
@Pain66 when it's brown flush it down
@ButtWorldsMan your welcome. Too bad you have to wait for after the election to see the fireworks.
@ButtWorldsMan oils on sale again!
@Tfmonkey how do we eat the rich if they leave?
@VooDooMedic I like my song better. https://suno.com/song/5687103c-a85f-45f6-8f90-07344e95a0fb