
lol, this dumb bitch.

I'm literally not even going to read them.

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@RoninGrey i will never understand you degenerates who don't clean their inbox.

@ButtWorldsMan 😆 My work inbox is perfect and organized. Working on my personal one. This one is actually much cleaner than it seems, despite the "33 unread." Several were just from this morning.

I'm 100% on board with your expressed sentiment, though.

These were deleted, and I'll never read her comments.

@ButtWorldsMan @RoninGrey I too do not understand the practice of not cleaning one's inbox. It's just proper hygiene.

@DoubleD @ButtWorldsMan Yeah, I just recently had to replace my inbox scrub brush.

@ButtWorldsMan @RoninGrey - Degenerates? 😅 I mean hey, if the storage is unlimited... 🤔

I haven't cleaned my inbox for 15 years. Honestly, I expected to have more than 50,614. 🍻

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