
Halsey beat his own record. The highest possible achievement. He contradicted himself in the very same sentence. Next world record would be a speeedrun for doing it in the shortest number of words.

@RoninGrey Halsey is of course jewjutsuing everyone, but he has one valid point: if the rest of the world is really capable of standing up to the faggotry (in a meaningful way), why haven't they?

@Zeb @RoninGrey because it is cost prohibitive. like TFM says, pain of inaction must be greater than pain of action. and people can take A LOT before the finding out commences. often consequences of standing up against evil are just too high. we could have nice things, sure, but they don't come cheap.

@RoninGrey Halsey is a ((( Jew )))

It seems the whole entire point of Halsey is to gatekeep and keep tfm under control so he doesnt discover based truths

@charliebrownau @RoninGrey it's called beigh a hypocrite, jews are not able to notice that they are hypocrites, it's part of their DNA.

@37712 @RoninGrey Jews lack the genetic ability to
self reflect
self actualise
admit they are wrong

They manage to claim the victim , while stabbing us in the back

Jews are not White, European or Human


Well spotted. I'm enjoying the Wednesday show less and less since TFM became a guest on the Halsey Morning Constitutional.

@UncleIroh @RoninGrey I just got to this part of the show as I listen after the fact, and I agree. Halsey has moved the goal posts multiple times. The times I've heard him admit he's wrong, it's always couched in a means that makes the error irrelevant such as a minor datum. He can't countenance the thought that that part of the Regime will suffer strategic defeat. I understand why (his children's future), but it's unfortunate that he's willfully blinding himself.


In international relations theory, the concept of anarchy is the idea that the world lacks any supreme authority or sovereignty. In an anarchic state, there is no hierarchically superior, coercive power that can resolve disputes, enforce law, or order the system of international politics. In international relations, anarchy is widely accepted as the starting point for international relations theory

Disputes between governments resolved without government

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