@shortstories @UncleIroh I think you're talking about different people.
I'm talking about Satanists who await and actively accelerate the coming of the Beast of Revelation and literally eat and fuck children and drink blood.
@shortstories @UncleIroh I personally don't put much stock in these claims, as I mentioned before. It just sounds like astrology to me. But I do keep an eye on them a lot more these days, since THEY seem to believe it.
Another thing I keep my eye on very closely lately is Putin's necktie game. That man's knots are always on point.
@shortstories @UncleIroh Yeah, they had a huuuuge thing in 1988 with the book "88 Reasons the Rapture will Happen in 1988" alongside "The Late Great Planet Earth."
It seems to really surge worldwide in these cycles.
@shortstories @UncleIroh Y2K in 2000, Mayan Calendar in 2012, Aliens in 2024. Every 12 years they perform an end-of-the-world symbolic ritual.
@shortstories @UncleIroh Yes, I'm aware of that but thank you for saying so. I probably should have been more clear.
It's not like they don't do demonic shit every single year anyway. It's just gonna be a wild year and THEY definitely care about the eastern symbolism.
@shortstories It bothers me that this happens to be "the year of the dragon."
I don't really agree with theologians who use astronomy and astrological signs as, well, "signs," but this does rub me the wrong way, considering that the Cathedral sure seems to love demonic attunement.
To be fair, we're told that the stars were created "for signs, seasons, days, and years." What do you think? Any thoughts about the Year of the Dragon?
@shortstories "They're the same picture."
@PinochetsCommieCopter These Gun-free Zone Shootings
@Shlomo with virgin hymen blood or anal blood.
@UncleIroh Yes, and I'm not sure what to make of it yet.
@UncleIroh I just saw "did rapes" on there! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@UncleIroh My favorite "I'm-a-retard" confession on that list was the "antivax / disinformation" reason.
And at least the "not a very nice group of people" one is accurate to most of us, hahaha.
Thanks for sharing!
I don't know shit. Don't listen to me.