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@Indignation That's like saying removing dirt causes baths.

Cart before the horse there, buddy.

Gotta walk before you can crawl.

@ButtWorldsMan As a member of the Junior Woodchucks, I get patches for helping people.

Happy Texas Independence Day.

We told everyone to fuck off today.

And to this day, I still do. I hope you and yours remain 1836 Texan in your hearts.


Keybase was one! That was for people you already knew, and only for chatting with each other. And then retards wanted to use Signal, the obvious superdoxxer honeypot.

The other was one where you created "rooms" and functioned a lot like old chat rooms. What was it called?

Why do people care about Gab?

It was garbage when I tried it out back at the same time I tried other alternatives. There was only engagement if you already had a huge presense elsewhere. I was honestly pretty big on Parler before I decided it was safer to shut up, scrub, and head out. Minds was the worst, where it outright didn't function.

I can't remember the other two I tried. But Gab was always just "among those" for me. It's like how people insist on using Rumble even though it's garbage.

@dander It's about her not appreciating everything he does for her. Even with that massive dick in the video.

@Pain66 My hispanic girlfriend used to suck my dick without me having to ask her to. On her parents' porch, inside my parents' house, in the car in her grandparents' driveway, right before church . . .

So I know exactly how she feels.

@YoMomz If you need to be ready to fling turds at any moment, you definitely want your pants pre-off.

You ever have to poo so badly at work that on the way to the restroom you start unbuttoning your SHIRT like you're about to return to monkey and get FULLY UNDRESSED to go poo in a forest, and then realize, "WTF am I doing?"

Me: Yes


Working with mostly guys lately and it's SO better than working with mostly women in real estate.

No backstabbing, fakery, constant monitoring, screwing each other over, grudges held. Everyone actually helps and goes BEYOND for each other.

I've even found the black men in society who show up to work, have real intelligence, have manners, and are willing to drive an hour to get to work.

It's a JOY.

For all the "positivity in the workplace," it was awful. But THIS group is more respectful.

@ButtWorldsMan @Zeb May or may not be related to my name, but long before foreigners brought them over in large numbers and let them multiply and run wild everyhere as a nuisance, I had an ancestor who was the only known North American Raccoon to live among the Japanese tanuki. This is the story I want to see on film.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.