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I have no excuse for this. I have only a reason -- a pun that wouldn't leave my head.

@Indignation @VeganMGTOW

I did the math. I converted lbs to kg. I weigh 79kg. So since 25kg = 15 rape:

79kg is 316% of 25kg.
So 316% of 15 rape is 47.4 rape.

@Indignation @VeganMGTOW I weigh like 175 lbs. How many rapes is that?

This audio clip was too good not to play around with.

@Tfmonkey Sounds like an Urban Dictionary sex move.

"I gave 'er the ol' jalapeno pickle popper. Her dad was not amused."

@TwistedEagle The judge will likely be found to have committed 2 self-inflicted child porns to the back of the head or suicide will be found on his laptop.

@ButtWorldsMan Your back-to-back, play-by-play commentary does fill me in on what's happening on the show when I can't listen live so I really can't complain.

I really only heard the opening today, where he said he wasn't doing very well, and it sounds like it affected the show today?

@flux_the_cat No more "benefit of the doubt" for "the community."

White people -- stop saying "Someday you're gonna push us too far" and SHOVE BACK NOW.

Alphabetically, "Allowed" starts with "A" because Allowed or not, that ain't the end of it.

Make your own decisions about how to take care of yourself.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.