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@realcaseyrollins He's a retard and so is his partner. Two attorneys with cringy personalities who think waaaay too highly of themselves. Sometimes they have reasonable opinions, often not.

@charliebrownau "Christmas in July" has been around at least since the 90s, if not decades earlier.

@IcyGrillz Oprah, Gov Whitmore, or Big Mike is who I'd run if I were them.

@white_male I don't care for him much as a candidate, but just because it's cool to hate on him doesn't mean it isn't literally true. The People selected him as their guy, and the Deep State said, "No, fuck what you guys want," and shot at him.

@Tfmonkey What was the ai art generator you use, again? Been a long time since I tried it.

@RegalBeagle I'm nearly certain after today that the shooter was Maxwell Yearwick.

@BowsacNoodle They'd come so fast and hard. It can absolutely work, though. But you need more than a few dozen. Enough to control the "zone" and invaders, whomever they may be representing.

@TenaciousGoat @ChristiJunior Yeah, maybe a younger sister, with those trouble-maker eyes.

Raccoons have a penis bone. This, however, was not part of my prompt.

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The only art style so far that will actually do closed-eyed laughter is the "furry" one, and it's obvious it's a furry style.

@Shlomo They just canceled a rally or two.

He already is a candidate. They just haven't nominated him as their official guy yet. The Democrat National Convention isn't until August, a full month from now.

Literal Assasination Attempt: (happens)

The Right: Gays, sluts, Israel, and minorities! WOOOOOOOO! Let's fuckin' goooooooo! I'm gonna vooooooooote!

I hate how pussies have all decided to grow beards and get tattoos and drink their shit beer to mimic men.

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This fucking retard is still bragging -- in 2024 -- about how he freaked out over not having a mask and carved up a Santa hat to make sure he wore one.

HE USED ONE OF HIS SHOE LACES and spent time MacGuyvering a mask because his car stock of masks was empty.

@NotAWeeb "Just tell them he's sick." And they don't care how it looks because they're done with him, or at least done with trying to make him look good.

So the intern half-assed it and did the bare minimum.

Ronin Grey boosted
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A club for red-pilled exiles.