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If you tie with a Half Windsor-type of knot it likely looks like dogshit.

Don't use that sloppy ass-fart of a tie knot anymore.

Look at the fucking difference.

I also prefer it without a divot / crease.

If you HAVE to or WANT to wear a tie, you should look like a man who knows what he's doing.

@Tfmonkey What was the ai art generator you use, again? Been a long time since I tried it.

Raccoons have a penis bone. This, however, was not part of my prompt.

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The only art style so far that will actually do closed-eyed laughter is the "furry" one, and it's obvious it's a furry style.

Literal Assasination Attempt: (happens)

The Right: Gays, sluts, Israel, and minorities! WOOOOOOOO! Let's fuckin' goooooooo! I'm gonna vooooooooote!

I hate how pussies have all decided to grow beards and get tattoos and drink their shit beer to mimic men.

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This fucking retard is still bragging -- in 2024 -- about how he freaked out over not having a mask and carved up a Santa hat to make sure he wore one.

HE USED ONE OF HIS SHOE LACES and spent time MacGuyvering a mask because his car stock of masks was empty.

Ronin Grey boosted
Ronin Grey boosted

This eyeliner-wearing VP candidate wants to immediately bomb Iran.

It looks like it's a big, fat, cock-sucking fag who can't wait to get on his knees for an entire foreign nation instead of just one guy at a time.

Fucking hell. We can never have nice things.

Ronin Grey boosted

@Tfmonkey If you've never seen it before, you can't tell how large it all is without something to compare its size to.

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@Tfmonkey Holy shit, dude. This is way bigger than expected.

(That's what she said.)

Someone out there will write a high school fight song for Trump using A.I. with the words "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Texas, Lord of the Ten Fires, Keeper of the Sword of Chaos, Bearer of the Lone Star, and Home of the Largest Strawberry Shortcake.

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These guys reading off like it's an announcement of royals entering a palace ballroom.

And fuck you, Alaska.

All you Christian-hating faggots have no idea what's up around here.

Homesteading, gun-toting, freedom-loving, anti-government, pro-family, patriarchal homeschoolers here--who would be ALLIES to you--are nearly always God-loving Christians who ALSO reject the modern church, wokeism, and Israel.

You don't understand nuance, nor how many of us there are. You're a useless, mindless retard who can't think for himself and slaps away the hands of friends. Strong friends, wiser and bolder than you.

RIP my coworker who married a Mexican single mom from online dating. "I was the first and only guy she talked to, she said. We fell in love right away."

And then: "She was in a hurry to get married because of her citizenship status, but she's really self-conscious about it, reassuring me she isn't marrying me just for that."

How it's going, one month after the wedding: "She said she might quit her job and stay at home. I don't know if I can afford that."

@Tfmonkey convinced me. I just bought HeroQuest for $50 brand new. Looking forward to playing!

Guys, if you have a moment, instead of watching tons of tv or playing videogames nonstop this summer, take a chance and try something new. Go to the library. I've been learning how to care for cows, learning Russian through Memrise, playing bass, & took a $5 4-session fencing class for beginners.

*Side note -- dueling a left-handed swordsman is completely different than a southpaw boxer. It's freaky!

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.