Dreizin analysis of the current situation and its impact.

Conclusion: ukraine will take a backseat now because everyone can see it's a failure.

@Tfmonkey update.

He predicts if israel resorts to tactical nukes, then ukraine better start shitting itself.

What happened yesterday was the nigger swan event of the year.

@Scubbie @ButtWorldsMan there is no plan anymore. They plan failed. They're shitting their pants right now, even more so than usual because of their age.

@ButtWorldsMan @Scubbie @Tfmonkey

Agreed, give me some mind-bending tinfold wearing gymanstic theories of wtf the cathedral is planning todo

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey So the cultist which are those that say they are the Jews but are not otherwise they’re not really the true Israelites but infiltrators want to fulfill a prophecy the prophecy includes the rebuilding of the temple for that to happen the Dome Of the rock needs to be destroyed legitimately put on your tinfoil hats look at the propaganda and be ready for their Messiah

@Scubbie @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey they need their 6 million jews to die and their temple in the rock to be destroyed so that they can bring in their antichrist

@Scubbie @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey The 6B was previously confiscated by the US (via IMF?) and held by S Korea. The prisoner exchange deal included the $6B.

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