
Sometimes I wonder how stupid and useless people can get a job.

Because how someone can hire people. That are clueless and can't comprehend things even when you repeat it 5+ times.

Some say it is becouse they can be social or good at bullshiting.

But even normal person can hear. How stupid they are from conversation.

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@Stahesh Asskissing to the highest degree. Women would rather hire someone that they can toy with instead of a skilled person that wont put up with her shit. CVs are asskissing in writing of how much you want the job.

@Stahesh @shortstories Which reminds me of why I hate the easy access indians have to the west. They are a pool of workers who will put up with so much shit and are like a flavourless bulking agent that contribues nothing except numbers, pushing down quality, increasing competition, driving down wages on top of the stink and the cheap scams that they pull everywhere.

@mrhorsetwat @Stahesh @shortstories They complain that in the west they put up with not enough shit. Fucking white men toilets, denying them their great reward

@Zeb @Stahesh @shortstories This man is a representation of all indians, he said he loves shit.

@Stahesh it's simple. They just have to be something other than straight white Christian men, and then they can get hired in the name of diversity and inclusion. If you fire them for being stupid and useless they can sue you for discrimination.

@Tfmonkey I talked more about Czech Republic because we do not have diversity and inclusion.

So it is weird to hire useless people for the job.

Only if they want to have some job done. But give zero F on quality.

But what I see some companies hire many unskilled and unintelligent Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Romanians or even "normal" citizens

@Stahesh I thought about this today the nigger Salvation Army bell ringer outside the grocery store trying to get my attention,I told her I was a pacifist I don’t support the military and she just said Merry Christmas It’s not even December

@Stahesh I feel your pain.

Most people get jobs because of who they know.

Most promotions are based on compliance/conformity < competence.

My job told me on my 1st day they'd rather have dumb people that don't rock the boat than smart people that do. Even if that means less gets done.

@basedbagel @Stahesh Sounds like you found the perfect job for a unleavened pastry with a big soft hole!

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