@shortstories Islam is doing fine, "Sheikh" is just a former English teacher who gained a little power in global homo Saudi Arabia.
In a traditional society, it's disrespectful to ask if the woman is a virgin. If she isn't, then she shouldn't be on the market in the first place and her family should be held accountable for omitting such an important detail. But from her perspective, as long as nobody knows, the best move is to stay quiet. But yeah, this guy failed Islam.

@Based_Accelerationist @shortstories

Islam has been under a sustained NeoLib "reformation" psyop for decades, just like Orthodox Christianity has.

The only patriarchal religion that has been allowed to go unchallenged is Orthodox Judaism.

@Stahesh @UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist @sardonicsmile

Islam has a temporary marriage system but if they were not married before they are supposed to be a virgin this applies to both men & women as best as I understand that excluding the weird stuff

Some people claimed that some Muslim scholars claim relations with animals are permitted if the animal is killed after & not used for food

If I remember correctly Usama Dakdok who studied Islam very dillegently claimed Muhammad was bisexual

@shortstories @Stahesh @UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist @sardonicsmile >this applies to both men & women

No. Only women have virginity. Men are never virgin, and a man's sexual history is irrelevant to his eligibility for marriage. There is no such thing as male virginity.

If someone starts talking about male virginity, they have outed themselves. "Male virginity" is the first step toward "how dare you want a virgin wife".

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