Just thinking: It is impossible to win against Evolution. If you force women to stay with an unattractive man, then Evolution/female Nature Will find a way.
This is why girls reject Everything that seems like a step backwards, in Evolution.

@sardonicsmile patriarchy but, woman still banged the alphas, chivalry as invented to for the peasants and lord who went to war, to take care of the bastard their wives had while they were away.

@RodrickSage @sardonicsmile chivalry wasn't even about how to threat women it was honor between knights you fucking spergs it was only in the Elizabethan era was it even talked about in that manner and it was FROM WOMEN to men not men to women

@VooDooMedic @RodrickSage @sardonicsmile Not mentioning the Patriarchy is for building civilization and domesticating women.

We can see what happen when women are left to run wild.

Men can control themself but often women lack selfcontrol.

@Stahesh @VooDooMedic @RodrickSage @sardonicsmile
On the bright side, if no society tries feminism, who the fuck would patriarchal societies rape and conquer???


@Zeb @VooDooMedic @RodrickSage @sardonicsmile True you got to repeat old times if society gets weak.

Soon the control gets weak. It will be time to go wild. So that you can do what ever you want

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